Spirituality is the matter of integrity with ourselves and God.
We can consider that without spirituality there is nothing pertinent to life,Numerologist Review for it gives all of life its meaning. The spirituality of the emotions, then, is about facing the fact that at times we're honest about how we feel and other times we're dishonest - perhaps out of fear, embarrassment or discomfort.
Responding to the Challenging Situation
So, we have a time in mind when a challenge to our emotions was experienced; one we desperately wanted to respond well about. Mind quelled the heart, but the heart still felt anxious.
The primary emotion is to do what the psalmist said: ponder and be silent. Don't try and fix something that, for your heart, cannot be fixed. It is what it is. The primary emotion, therefore, has us feeling the full force of the emotion and welcoming it. In courage is truth - there is nothing to be feared, because this is you facing yourself. It's God placing a mirror before your face. This is Divine revelation - a miraculous gift.
The secondary emotion comes through when we don't heed the items at their most basic truth - when we deny the mirror. Life is made tricky because our default is to bypass the clean and effective primary emotion for the secondary, fake emotion - the devil's tool since the fall of humanity.