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E-Commerce Versus Traditional Commerce

The e-commerce age has arrived.Salehoo Review Amazon is past its 20th birthday and eBay follows in Amazons footsteps being just one year younger. E-commerce is now a $200 billion-plus industry in the U.S. and is set to increase up to 15% a year as shoppers come to the realization that there is no longer a need to go out to the traditional mall anymore. In the war between e-commerce versus traditional commerce, e-commerce is clearly becoming the winner. Due to e-commerce traditional commerce is being driven to its grave.

Well-informed traditional businesses recognize the inevitable rise of online shopping. In truth they are adapting to the new and very evident realities. The megalith retail chain Macy's shows facts indicative of this. This 154-year-old retail chain saw online sales rise 40% in 2011 while traditional retail store sales grew just 5.3%. Macy's is currently overhauling almost 300 of its retail stores into distribution hubs in so doing speeding up the entire process from purchase to shipping its for online shoppers. It has come to the point where this retail giant is taking into consideration the option of online kiosks in-store. Another traditional commerce big-shot, Nordstrom, is going about it even more aggressively. With perks such as free shipping and free returns in its online store, Nordstrom's showed a 35% gain in online sales over the last three-quarters. It can also be noted that the company plans to invest $1 billion into its online ventures over the next five years. The online trends and approach of such huge, well-established traditional commerce concerns validates the acceleration in e-commerce's growth. Simply put, if they don't become current, they will not survive.

